What is this curse upon my heart,
that plants the seeds where loves do grow,
then rents all loves to me apart?
I know that endings stop each start,
each time, all times. I want to know,
what is this curse upon my heart?
I've paid for each one à la carte,
unfinished meals, for it's renown:
It rents all loves to me apart,
and thus compels me to compart,
and fall to pieces, no more known.
What is this curse upon my heart?
So every love's compelled to part,
and melt my once-warm flesh to bone?
What rents all loves to me apart,
turns sweetness to a horrid tart?
It is my fate to die alone.
What is this curse upon my heart,
that rents all loves to me apart?
(C)2019, Christos Rigakos
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