79 years old
Writer — poetry and prose, storyteller, weaver, gardener, musician.
Sixty years ago we heard the agonizing cries.
First, War — then War No More.
Forty years ago,the same burgeoning lies...
Is it that we fail to see the bloody ties?
Is it that we forget the score?
Sixty years ago we heard the agonizing cries.
I find few truths among the burgeoning lies.
I watch in grief the force, the wrought score.
Forty years ago we heard the agonizing cries.
Again the truths are lost among the lies.
Again, we see War — hear War Mo More.
Sixty years ago we heard the agonizing cries.
There is no Peace in those voices, those cries.
Only disaster underwrites the score —
Forty years ago the same burgeoning lies.
No one is listening to War No More. The lies?
I try to see - reach past bloody scores.
Would that we offer Peace to those cries -
Would that we separate Truth from lies.
(C)2003, Doris H. Thurston
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11 years ago