at the bump of story and rawest fact
so many angles to break up the light
not one of you can handle it with tact
the mechanism is what we all had lacked
but chances we will win still remain slight
at the bump of story and rawest fact
you thought you won but found you had been sacked
and were thrown out quite helpless in the night
not one of you can handle it with tact
the crisis peaks right when you are attack
edit's very hard to struggle through the blight
at the bump of story and rawest fact
replace the name and still the thing is cracked
what once was black cannot just be turned white
not one of you can handle it with tact
you stood up once and you were swiftly smacked
it does not matter that you had the right
at the bump of story and rawest fact
not one of you can handle it with tact
(C)2008, Fragano Ledgister
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