The Harvard moon expands the Charles River.
From the bridge to the Business School,
I have witnessed the enchanting flights of lovers
flutter down the avenue at midnight. Two lovers whisper
of winter melon fields. In the fields, no one is cruel.
The Harvard moon expands the Charles River.
It watches over Harvard Square without anger,
spotlights churches, firehouses, playgrounds with a cool
indigo light. I have witnessed the enchanting flights of lovers
who embrace each other above the shimmering water,
above that microcosmic, oceanic pool.
The Harvard moon expands the Charles River,
as if to promise brighter dawns, lighter
times, sans violence, sans war, sans hateful fools
who have failed to witness the enchanting flights of lovers
are about ourselves, our being alive together
in the same galaxy. Our mutual wonder is the only rule.
The Harvard moon expands the Charles River.
I have witnessed the enchanting flights of lovers.
(C)2004, Roger Pao
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