now there's a secret haunting my dear soul
i won't expose, the world will never know
it vanished, swallowed in my darkened hole
the days transparency was my clear role
have gone, will not return here anymore
now there's a secret haunting my dear soul
so black, it's darkened me like dirty coal
fell in upon itself with mighty roar
it vanished, swallowed in my darkened hole
and those who know me worry 'bout this mole
that blemished the purity they adore
now there's a secret haunting my dear soul
and all with eyes have seen it's taken toll
upon my face, and every day some more
it vanished, swallowed in my darkened hole
so that not one can make me once more whole
i used to walk so freely through the door
now there's a secret haunting my dear soul
it vanished, swallowed in my darkened hole
(C)2010, Christos Rigakos
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