Tuesday, August 21, 2007

barking up the wrong horse

a table set for many may still wait
upon a late arrival shedding tears
it's just the proper time to fly the gate

tides and high surges one day may abate
the system does not have too many spares
a table set for many may still wait

there is no record safe kept on a slate
the watcher is the one who never stares
it's just the proper time to fly the gate

a day or two and there's an empty plate
left by the one who on true journey fares
a table set for many may still wait

we are the ones who will keep proper state
and yet must avoid giving ourselves airs
it's just the proper time to fly the gate

we struggle onwards always blaming fate
not one of us for travel now prepares
a table set for many may still wait
it's just the proper time to fly the gate

(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister


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