a tiny glimpse of giant who was there
but now lies hidden by an old man's grief
the world may sometimes turn out to be fair
all things you did by the straight line and square
yet never once did you impose belief
a tiny glimpse of giant who was there
i do not know the view at which you stare
nor just what when a boy you called mischief
the world may sometimes turn out to be fair
all that i learned what that a man must dare
no matter that his glory will be brief
a tiny glimpse of giant who was there
it turns out there was nothing left to spare
and that still must have come as a relief
the world may sometimes turn out to be fair
there's something of you riding on the air
to chide the sluggard and upbraid the thief
a tiny glimpse of giant who was there
the world may sometimes turn out to be fair
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Friday, November 30, 2007
words must be proper
Posted by Chris at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: words must be proper
Thursday, November 29, 2007
so bloody what
all that's around us echoes hope and clatter
we aren't supposed to object to such joy
since nothing that we do will ever matter
our only task is to condone and flatter
and hope that no one can see through the ploy
all that's around us echoes hope and clatter
we just produce a shitload of raw patter
which when you listen will not swift annoy
since nothing that we do will ever matter
i know you think me madder than a hatter
but that is all the defence i deploy
all that's around us echoes hope and clatter
our only outcome is more idle chatter
a simple gimmick any could employ
since nothing that we do will ever matter
we have no tool that will not chip or shatter
and has more value than a children's toy
all that's around us echoes hope and clatter
since nothing that we do will ever matter
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: so bloody what
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
all's made most clear
a life is stolen but not one will care
who makes the choices does not see all ends
through all the byways only fools may fare
the purpose is to drive the calmest spare
up mountain roads with many hairpin bends
a life is stolen but not one will care
idiots will journey where goats would not dare
it's simple when you're not the one who wends
through all the byways only fools may fare
such matters it turns out are not as rare
as you might think since you're the one who rends
a life is stolen but not one will care
each sound will carry through the mountain air
to one who fights and to one who defends
through all the byways only fools may fare
let us be sure that we could sit and stare
while you receive whatever the foe sends
a life is stolen but not one will care
through all the byways only fools may fare
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: all's made most clear
Monday, November 26, 2007
measure of duty
our obligation's never quite enough
we always end up with some sort of grief
while there's some idiot telling us life's tough
each morning we wake up grouchy and gruff
too short a sleep seems not to bring relief
our obligation's never quite enough
we take things easy just when they're most rough
yet mourn the imprint of each fallen leaf
while there's some idiot telling us life's tough
we know something's out there it's not a bluff
there really is some substance solid beef
our obligation's never quite enough
your ear's still warm from sudden ringing cuff
you hope our ship will wind up on the reef
while there's some idiot telling us life's tough
perhaps we'll turn out to have the right stuff
walk tall not creep like hungry furtive thief
our obligation's never quite enough
while there's some idiot telling us life's tough
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: measure of duty
Sunday, November 25, 2007
all we may do is wait
once past the trees more houses dimly lurk
there is some fresh thing we just have to know
apart from all the fears and joys of work
we have to find our way through the dim murk
there's not one light here not even a false glow
once past the trees more houses dimly lurk
we do not face our woes instead we shirk
all duties and there's nothing we might show
apart from all the fears and joys of work
we gain our best desires by gun or dirk
that's better than the constant to and fro
once past the trees more houses dimly lurk
we are too calm to ever go berserk
as soon as we arrive we have to go
apart from all the fears and joys of work
we have to understand each tiny quirk
of meaning and the steady ebb and flow
once past the trees more houses dimly lurk
apart from all the fears and joys of work
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: all we may do is wait
Saturday, November 24, 2007
so nothing's bright
we reach the boundaries of what's allowed
and pass without perception of a mark
before necessity all heads are bowed
we think ourselves the mighty and uncowed
what choices we confront are not so stark
we reach the boundaries of what's allowed
with nothing more than normal we're endowed
so not prepared either for war or dark
before necessity all heads are bowed
we never shall accomplish what was vowed
out of the clash there shall not come a spark
we reach the boundary of what's allowed
what's gone to shrub was once all neatly ploughed
good records once were kept by every clerk
before necessity all heads are bowed
every great madness moves within the crowd
we each shall find a means to jump the shark
we reach the boundary of what's allowed
before necessity all heads are bowed
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: so nothing's bright
Friday, November 23, 2007
the modern lyre
too many people choose the easy lie
we find our way to truth is always barred
to heights of knowledge no one dares to fly
we cannot trust the colour of the sky
nor if at evening it is brightly starred
too many people choose the easy lie
no wonder that none of you clamber high
honour and honesty you now have marred
to heights of knowledge no one dares to fly
it's all too obvious you're slick and sly
your face is set in lines that are too hard
too many people choose the easy lie
you sell not one thing i would want to buy
lies and false reasons set out by the yard
to heights of knowledge no one dares to fly
your sight can never please the decent eye
no honest word is written on your card
too many people choose the easy lie
to heights of knowledge no one dares to fly
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: the modern lyre
Thursday, November 22, 2007
looking westward
we thank our stars that we've come through the day
few odds we had and chances seemed most slight
on tired feet still we have found the way
the soil is shallow on the hardpan clay
rocks and red stains our best efforts requite
we thank our stars that we've come through the day
all happier places seem so far away
what we do does not now demand much might
on tired feet still we have found the way
we see the sunset in the western bay
as in the east there comes the cooler night
we thank our stars that we've come through the day
we tell ourselves that we don't have to stay
and face each other in a hopeless fight
on tired feet still we have found the way
we make our work what children see as play
the largest serpent has the mildest bite
we thank our stars that we've come through the day
on tired feet still we have found the way
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: looking westward
Sunday, November 18, 2007
needed sacrifice
what's given to the gods is not a waste
shoved into memory and kept alive
we hurry but we show too little haste
what we most cherish is now firmly cased
in the one place we think it ought to thrive
what's given to the gods is not a waste
the body and the mind together laced
provide an answer we might not derive
we hurry but we show too little haste
against the storm we seek not to be braced
a proper ending one day must arrive
what's given to the gods is not a waste
on no hard evidence our hope is based
we've taken hardest blows some four or five
we hurry but we show too little haste
the best thing that we had was the first taste
of freshest honey taken from the hive
what's given to the gods is not a waste
we hurry but we show too little haste
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: needed sacrifice
Saturday, November 17, 2007
back from a journey
we see so little of the great surround
a moment's pause would be no major cost
time's not valued in euro or in pound
we cross vast distances in one huge bound
from end to end we're prodded and we're bossed
we see so little of the great surround
isolate behind our high walls of sound
we do not see the waves on which we're tossed
time's not valued in euro or in pound
alone upon our little bits of ground
we have no care for all the miles we've crossed
we see so little of the great surround
each of us kings on our own midden-mound
fearful of rain and drought and heat and frost
time's not valued in euro or in pound
not one of us knows just what we've here found
nor why in finding we become the lost
we see so little of the great surround
time's not valued in euro or in pound
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: back from a journey
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
before the storm
you know the story and you tell it straight
it is not yours but still you know the need
whatever happens you will not blame fate
the horse may shiver at the starting gate
its jockey now knows better than to plead
you know the story and you tell it straight
each fire is banked up right behind the grate
we need the warmth but have no wish for speed
whatever happens you will not blame fate
no hasty action will break the last plate
whoever does the washing has to bleed
you know the story and you tell it straight
my father learned to write on broken slate
what others had was vanity or greed
whatever happens you will not blame fate
the best ones travel slowly and as freight
knowing true propaganda is the deed
you know the story and you tell it straight
whatever happens you will not blame fate
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: before the storm
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
duties of passage
the blind man knows the voices of the road
on cooler mornings he may choose to speak
you walk on uphill carrying your load
service and work become a kind of goad
you cannot find because you will not seek
the blind man knows the voices of the road
we know the symbols we don't know the code
whenever word may come it will be bleak
you walk on uphill carrying your load
the sunshine inside him will not explode
through his four senses it may not yet leak
the blind man knows the voices of the road
we come at last to complex knot or node
the winner is not ever one who's meek
you walk on uphill carrying your load
along the slope no stream has ever flowed
you make it here because you are not weak
the blind man knows the voices of the road
you walk on uphill carrying your load
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: duties of passage
Monday, November 12, 2007
a newer better song
for once they'll have a newer better song
to celebrate the turning of the tide
they'll do it loudly but they'll do it wrong
we think it good to leave behind the throng
and snuggle safe and warm right here inside
for once they'll have a newer better song
it won't be obvious and it won't be long
and there'll be nothing left for us to hide
they'll do it loudly but they'll do it wrong
the last one in will listen for the gong
and won't a single syllable elide
for once they'll have a newer better song
you'll pay your fare and then you'll go along
not one thing said will be inept or snide
they'll do it loudly but they'll do it wrong
who once were weak now claim to be the strong
you know quite well they'll take you for a ride
for once they have a newer better song
they'll do it loudly but they'll do it wrong
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: a newer better song
Sunday, November 11, 2007
not a mere windbag
all echoes come down in the end to none
a single shadow turns into the night
each cycle reaches the end of its run
we thought it work and then we thought it fun
but did not see it as a moral plight
all echoes come down in the end to none
what falls between the rhyming word and pun
will always have a place in proper site
each cycle reaches the end of its run
a well-aimed blow will bruise as well as stun
honest control's the secret of our might
all echoes come down in the end to none
what was not finished was not best begun
you can't convict if first you don't indict
each cycle reaches the end of its run
you have the word while others have the gun
who has the power will also have the right
all echoes come down in the end to none
each cycle reaches the end of its run
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: not a mere windbag
Saturday, November 10, 2007
caught in the wheel
stars do not change their courses for a thought
reality considers no desire
we never win the things for which we fought
a moment and we find that we've been caught
in agony upon the final wire
stars do not change their courses for a thought
we wonder at the consequences wrought
by small expressions of a righteous ire
we never win the things for which we fought
the lesson which you vaguely thought we taught
is more than any person might require
stars do not change their courses for a thought
when all the enemy is sold or bought
we'll face the matters to which they aspire
we never win the things for which we fought
all of our effort will add up to nought
the honest one is beaten by the liar
stars do not change their courses for a thought
we never win the things for which we fought
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: caught in the wheel
Friday, November 9, 2007
restless the gleam
the world is shaped by word as well as act
this golden light reminds us of the time
before the thought we have to see the fact
what we've gained here you once sorely lacked
it's too long since we heard the tower bell chime
the world is shaped by word as well as act
the town we said was safe has long been sacked
its walls all rendered down to ash and lime
before the thought we have to see the fact
we sign our names with haste to the compact
in fear of horrors wars and simple crime
the world is shaped by word as well as act
the path we've taken is the one you tracked
uphill and downhill through the mud and slime
before the thought we have to see the fact
there will be some who cannot treat or pact
laughing when they observe you in your prime
the world is shaped by word as well as act
before the thought we have to see the fact
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: restless the gleam
Thursday, November 8, 2007
soul of the age
where shadows hide the truth from normal eyes
a sort of fear that comes when we're in light
we worry about terrorists and spies
familiar face turns out to be disguise
there's absence of alarm through the long night
where shadows hide the truth from normal eyes
each one who sells requires the one who buys
what chance there is of change is truly slight
we worry about terrorists and spies
not one pays heed to the dark victim's cries
we're certain that our choices come out right
where shadows hide the truth from normal eyes
we have to cling to the false enterprise
for all that its true fuel is mere spite
we worry about terrorists and spies
there is no truth behind the buzzing lies
only the boasts and claims of storied might
where shadows hide the truth from normal eyes
we worry about terrorists and spies
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: soul of the age
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
hillside to hillside
one flash of colour in the ranks of green
below the valley fills right up with shade
we can't be sure just what we have now seen
between the spaces there's never a screen
we get from point to point without your aid
one flash of colour in the ranks of green
we come and then we pass right from the scene
others will see as quaint the games we played
we can't be sure just what we have now seen
for a brief moment there's a golden sheen
but it was gone at once from the parade
one flash of colour in the ranks of green
we will not be the ones that we had been
from the high path we all have fled or strayed
we can't be sure just what we have now seen
allow no one to tell you what you mean
you alone know just how you make the grade
one flash of colour in the ranks of green
we can't be sure just what we have now seen
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: hillside to hillside
a finished project
so many words and then not one word more
you send them out and wait to hear their fate
not one of us who truly knows the score
they're not the same as the ones gone before
there's greater difference than the time and date
so many words and then not one word more
the mind has so much in its ordered store
for those who hurry and for those who wait
not one of us who truly knows the score
you do your best to entertain not bore
cleaning old messages from the worn slate
so many words and then not one word more
who could remember what each hero wore
to meet the host that gathered at the gate
not one of us who truly knows the score
we let the thoughts in giant gushes pour
while all of us hold forth upon the state
so many words and then not one word more
not one of us who truly knows the score
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: a finished project
Monday, November 5, 2007
there's still a glow
if you can find a place within your heart
for all the light that fades at end of day
you will know something of the human art
we're climbing a huge mountain from the start
at first it's easy and we think it play
if you can find a place within your heart
but then we come to a much harder part
uncertain how to go or if to stay
you will know something of the human art
in sunset skies we see the small birds dart
not knowing whether predator or prey
if you can find a place within your heart
you place your luggage on the waiting cart
and where you may then find it who can say
you will know something of the human art
the highest peaks are not found on the chart
and to achieve them takes a stranger way
if you can find a place within your heart
you will know something of the human art
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: there's still a glow
Sunday, November 4, 2007
some paths of time
who wants to know may not be given light
choices are made by those without a line
once past the way of duty it is night
who speaks may have but little force or might
the silent in their armchairs all recline
who wants to know may not be given light
rule or no rule that all depends on spite
wires that are taut may still vibrate and whine
once past the way of duty it is night
measure proves nothing neither weight nor height
for all your acts we may in time repine
who wants to know may not be given light
the obvious is hidden in the rite
to better causes may the mind incline
once past the way of duty it is night
these mysteries require no sort of flight
although we're weak we say that we are fine
who wants to know may not be given light
once past the way of duty it is night
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: some paths of time
Saturday, November 3, 2007
drums on a saturday
a host of vultures on the thermals glide
seeking dead bodies on the living rock
nature provides but few places to hide
from peak to lowland we won't make the slide
a tree or bush our downward path will block
a host of vultures on the thermals glide
reality is what we can't elide
the living on the gravestones have to knock
nature provides but few places to hide
upon the highroad those on muleback ride
driving before them thirsty herd or flock
a host of vultures on the thermals glide
in this odd place we cannot long abide
we've barely got the time just to take stock
nature provides but few places to hide
the roads we walk on have no room for pride
we're governed by the calendar and clock
a host of vultures on the thermals glide
nature provides but few places to hide
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: drums on a saturday
Friday, November 2, 2007
bright pebbles
we find ourselves with clarity in stone
rivers and seas over our hearts must flow
the calmest mind is in its proper zone
listen in quiet as the bent trees groan
too late for them the first sign of fresh snow
we find ourselves with clarity in stone
each knows that they must face the dark alone
you tarry for a moment then you go
the calmest mind is in its proper zone
there's never sin for which you must atone
the one who so proclaims them is our foe
we find ourselves with clarity in stone
there's naught but silence on the telephone
outside we note that the winds starts to blow
the calmest mind is in its proper zone
the bird of wisdom into night has flown
each turns their back on the last reddish glow
we find ourselves with clarity in stone
the calmest mind is in its proper zone
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: bright pebbles
Thursday, November 1, 2007
within reason
lay out the answers and the truth is seen
what's most desired is not the thing most known
we watch the yearly fading of the green
you play your parts and then pass from the scene
the normal given's not what is most shown
lay out the answers and the truth is seen
an honest explanation has no sheen
the prettiest flower is the one first blown
we watch the yearly fading of the green
what we call virtues others take for spleen
you seek plain words but find out they have flown
lay out the answers and the truth is seen
truth vanishes from places in between
the only thing that echoes is the stone
we watch the yearly fading of the green
you've never understood just what we mean
and for your crimes we all must now atone
lay out the answers and the truth is seen
we watch the yearly fading of the green
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: within reason
night on the hillside
night on the hillside
a path of diamonds in the velvet sky
out in the bush we look above in awe
the magic is apparent to each eye
nightbirds alarming as they pass us by
shocking the silence every raucous caw
a path of diamonds in the velvet sky
the world in calm and stillness does not lie
we hear near us the skittering of small paw
the magic is apparent to each eye
the brilliant stars are so clear and so high
we will on them the shapes of mouth and claw
a path of diamonds in the velvet sky
the old man is amazed we are so spry
his wisdom is summed up in an old saw
the magic is apparent to each eye
we've learned the things that no one can deny
and find we're subject to a constant law
a path of diamonds in the velvet sky
the magic is apparent to each eye
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
Posted by Chris at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: _Poems, Poet: Ledgister Fragano, Title: night on the hillside