Sunday, November 25, 2007

all we may do is wait

once past the trees more houses dimly lurk
there is some fresh thing we just have to know
apart from all the fears and joys of work

we have to find our way through the dim murk
there's not one light here not even a false glow
once past the trees more houses dimly lurk

we do not face our woes instead we shirk
all duties and there's nothing we might show
apart from all the fears and joys of work

we gain our best desires by gun or dirk
that's better than the constant to and fro
once past the trees more houses dimly lurk

we are too calm to ever go berserk
as soon as we arrive we have to go
apart from all the fears and joys of work

we have to understand each tiny quirk
of meaning and the steady ebb and flow
once past the trees more houses dimly lurk
apart from all the fears and joys of work

(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister


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