the sound of lautenwerk and harpsichord
an older music than the ones we learn
and we find what you always have adored
a better way of reaching good accord
would leave the pilgrim with no wrath to burn
the sound of lautenwerk and harpsichord
with force of gun and symbolism of sword
we give you chance to make a better turn
and we find what you always have adored
so much it takes to bring down the last lord
then to restore the ones we would not spurn
the sound of lautenwerk and harpsichord
channel the world in ways we can afford
yet we will choose no better way to yearn
and we find what you always have adored
this is the magic you have not ignored
a pattern that your people have to earn
the sound of lautenwerk and harpsichord
and we find what you always have adored
(C)2008, Ledgister Fragano
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