Sunday, May 18, 2008

Villanelle Against War

The monkeys in the trees laugh
Pelt the humans with nuts
The humans kneel before a golden calf

The humans are monkeys by half
Though they live in electric lit huts
The monkeys in the trees laugh

The monkeys scratch their heads at the humans’ craft
at ripping open each other’s mammal guts
The humans kneel before a golden calf

Monkeys don’t understand organized war and graft
They think colonels and artillery shells are nuts
The monkeys in the trees laugh

Monkeys don’t volunteer, hold lotteries or draft
Or risk exposing their smart soft butts
The humans kneel before a golden calf

Monkeys swing free from tree to tree, fore and aft
Humans with tanks and jeeps and feet are stuck in ruts
The monkeys in the trees laugh
The humans kneel before a golden calf

(C)2008, TheIrishSea


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