I am destroyed and here is why:
the one who came into my life,
his soul's exhaled into the sky.
He played a part, I can't deny,
in every part about my life.
I am destroyed! And here is why
forever I am doomed to sigh:
when extricated by that Knife,
his soul's exhaled into the sky.
My past's destroyed, for who am I,
but who I've been in someone's life?
I am destroyed and here is why:
a certain someone had to die,
he was my past, my past was life.
His soul's exhaled into the sky,
so far away, what once was nigh,
my past no longer has a life.
I am destroyed and here is why:
his soul's exhaled into the sky.
(C)2009, Christos Rigakos
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