electrons swirl a distance from the core,
which changes over time both to and fro,
the distance can be changed by less or more,
what will it be and what was it before?
the microscopes reveal just what they show--
electrons swirl a distance from the core,
the secret's in the energy that's stored,
electrons through their shells are pushed or towed,
the distance can be changed by less or more,
while mass remains the same forever more,
through k-shells and the others they could go,
electrons swirl a distance from the core,
akin to Earth gone knocking on Sun's door,
electron's bridging proton's space, you know
the distance can be changed by less or more,
that size is static has become a lore,
it's been determined, man can shrink or grow,
electrons swirl a distance from the core,
the distance can be changed by less or more
(C)2009, Christos Rigakos
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