Thursday, January 28, 2010

a man can't strike a woman

a man can't strike a woman, I don't care
what she has done, a man should know his place,
this rule evens the score and makes it fair,

for every bloated muscle he could bare,
a smaller one hides under frilly lace,
a man can't strike a woman, I don't care,

oh she can scratch his eyes and rip his hair
in anger, taunt his manhood to his face,
this rule evens the score and makes it fair,

and even if she dares and double-dares
that he should strike her back, it'd be disgrace,
a man can't strike a woman, I don't care,

he's burdened with much extra strength to spare,
society has limited his space,
this rule evens the score and makes it fair,

imagine how she'd hesitate, beware
of freely striking him without this ace?
a man can't strike a woman, I don't care,
this rule evens the score and makes it fair

(C)2010, Christos Rigakos


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