there's no prometheus lashed to the rock
no hero punished for the human liberation
the story that we know was meant to shock
the gods all stand convicted in the dock
we have abused their latest iteration
there's no prometheus lashed to the rock
to what purpose would we release the lock
that keeps us in our normal situation
the story that we know was meant to shock
we could not hear the midnight watcher's knock
were we to think of it as our salvation
there's no prometheus lashed to the rock
our souls and bodies were each placed in hock
by those who thought we'd reached full satiation
the story that we know was meant to shock
yet at the last we halt and then take stock
of everything that's led to our deflation
there's no prometheus lashed to the rock
the story that we know was meant to shock
(C)2007, Fragano Ledgister
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