the way you tell it is always a lie
but when i speak you throw me into gaol
it's honest folk who always get to die
your contrails fill the grey polluted sky
when we speak up you shut down the e-mail
the way you tell it is always a lie
the children hunger and we hear them cry
you tell us that the story is now stale
it's honest folk who always get to die
armed forces are on regular stand-by
the latest enemies we'll soon assail
the way you tell it is always a lie
the well of kindness long ago ran dry
what's left would not sustain a single snail
it's honest folk who always get to die
well was it said that time would not supply
the gap when human warmth and goodness fail
they way you tell it is always a lie
its honest folk who always get to die
(C)2008, Fragano Ledgister
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