Sunday, February 10, 2008

treatment and assurance

a consciousness that can't be fully cured
teaches each one about the coming rift
what we are given is never assured

your choice is one to which you were inured
by powers of avarice and normal thrift
a consciousness that can't be fully cured

those other cousins who were halfway lured
and then found they had all been set adrift
what we are given is never assured

again you wonder what we have procured
and why the last departer loudly sniffed
a consciousness that can't be fully cured

distinct and painful each one that matured
no mortal spirit had received a lift
what we are given is never assured

so no man claims to have felt or endured
what you have thought was but a tiny gift
a consciousness that can't be fully cured
what we are given is never assured

(C)2008, Fragano Ledgister


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