what's not recorded we will too soon forget
the weight of memory will sink all light
you can't account for all of that regret
so much of life is ventured on one bet
a universe could vanish in one night
what's not recorded we will too soon forget
icons once painted pass and none will fret
though millions once had clamoured for the sight
you can't account for all of that regret
those who have spoken were not once upset
by all the silences of constant blight
what's not recorded we will too soon forget
the beacon's unlit unblown the cornet
no one would ever know of our last plight
you can't account for all of that regret
not ever spoken of the total debt
that we have owed for all of our delight
what's not recorded we will too soon forget
you can't account for all of that regret
(C)2008, Fragano Ledgister
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