in those old black and white films always they
young greeks in modest dress and old attire
all sang and danced with passion hearts full splayed
late 50's early 60's romance played
defining culture with old songs on fire
in those old black and white films always they
danced back and forth in conversations say,
of simple subjects, unrequitted love required,
all sang and danced with passion hearts full splayed
oh simple songs, not found around today,
how different old Greece is from new, inspired,
in those old black and white films always they
brought life to screen, not screen to life as they
all do today and think it's heaven's pyre,
all sang and danced with passion hearts full splayed
where have those simple times gone, where? today
they're hidden in old celluloid so tired,
in those old black and white films always they
all sang and danced with passion hearts full splayed
(C)2008, Christos Rigakos
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