Tuesday, January 1, 2008

all is spin

plain truth's concealed by hosts of vapid lies
tyrants conceal the pain that they impart
as understanding's cloaked from normal eyes

no ordinary person could devise
these bright creations of such evil art
plain truth's concealed by hosts of vapid lies

we always know what the unjust advise
on how to tear the warm and true apart
as understanding's cloaked from normal eyes

the greatest harm is done in noble guise
while fools await just retribution's start
plain truth's concealed by hosts of vapid lies

no better chance could ever soon arise
to show how justice is sold in the mart
as understanding's cloaked from normal eyes

those who have power our daily hopes despise
nor do they value much the human heart
plain truth's concealed by hosts of vapid lies
as understanding's cloaked from normal eyes

(C)2008, Fragano Ledgister


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