When you grow up, what will you do?
Please come to my tea party.
I'm Chatty Cathy. Who are you?
Let's take a trip to the zoo.
Tee-hee, tee-hee, tee-hee. You're silly!
When you grow up, what will you do?
One plus one equals two.
It's fun to learn your ABCs.
I'm Chatty Cathy. Who are you?
Please help me tie my shoe.
Can you come out and play with me?
When you grow up, what will you do?
The rooster says cock-a-doodle-doo.
Please read me a bedtime story.
I'm Chatty Cathy. Who are you?
Our flag is red, white and blue.
Let's make believe you're Mommy.
When you grow up, what will you do?
I'm Chatty Cathy. Who are you?
--David Trinidad
Wondering what UCLA alumni poets are up to? Check out Circle Poetry
Journal, a published-by-referral-only journal, coming out Fall 2013. First
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11 years ago
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