Wednesday, August 27, 2008


May 2, 1803 - 203rd Anniversary -- May 2, 2006
A Villanelle to the Louisiana Purchase
Our prayers and deepest concern go to the residents of New Orleans and to those in neighboring states for their trauma and loss from the devastation of Katrina and Rita in September, 2005

For fifteen million bucks, not beads,
(Manhattan went for less this fee),
a fire sale flared beyond our needs.

Spain, England, France first sowed the seeds,
by treaties that no one could see
for fifteen million bucks, not beads.

Though not empowered for such deeds,
two statesmen mused, "a deal must be-
in our lifetime, beyond our needs!"*

Along with crocodiles and reeds,
Louisiana held the key
for fifteen million bucks, not beads.

The U.S. doubled land and weeds,
Napoleon was up a tree,
offered it all, beyond our needs.

Some days when lust and ego feeds,
the spoils of war make gold debris.
This fifteen million bucks, not beads,
bought thirteen states, beyond our needs.

---Mary Gribble, San Marino, CA

*President Jefferson sent the American statesman James Monroe to Paris to aid the American minister to France, Robert R. Livingston, in negotiating modest options. Napoleon told them, "All or nothing!"


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