Thursday, August 14, 2008

Drunken Dolly.

Drunken Dolly had herself a drink,
when love dried up she whet her heart's dry bruise,
and drank unthinkingly until she'd stink.

Dolty Darren gave her pause to think,
with wordy explanations, hid his ruse,
and Drunken Dolly had herself a drink,

to stop her mind from racing round its sink.
When Dolly heard her heart fall to her shoes
she drank unthinkingly until she'd stink.

As Dolty Darren dashed her on the brink,
the pieces of her heart dropped into booze,
and Drunken Dolly had herself a drink,

until her nose and cheeks turned day-glow pink,
and always this proclivity she'd choose,
and drink unthinkingly until she'd stink.

Her footwear was her only other kink,
yet this too, finked, for they're just shoes.
So Drunken Dolly had herself a drink,
and drank unthinkingly until she'd stink.

(C)2008, Christos Rigakos


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