She asked, he gave, they smoked the night away.
They shared the fire they'd held between their eyes,
until the smoke gave way to light of day.
How long had she felt burning in this way?
Not longer than he'd held her in his eyes.
She asked, he gave, they smoked the night away.
He'd watched her every move and every sway,
and hid his aching pain from all the guys,
until the smoke gave way to light of day.
They told her of his longing, burning way,
and she denied her own with see-through lies.
She asked, he gave, they smoked the night away.
I saw the smoldering within his gaze,
and told her, but she called them brother guys,
until the smoke gave way to light of day.
She lied about the time she spent all day,
with him, he was a lover in disguise.
She asked, he gave, they smoked the night away,
until the smoke gave way to light of day.
(C)2008, Christos Rigakos
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